Foot Levelers

At Welcare Chiropractic, we offer Foot Levelers custom orthotics. Foot Levelers custom orthotic is individually designed for your feet – helping achieve a balanced foundation and stabilized pelvis. Our custom orthotics are handmade for your unique feet based on 3D scans or casts, and your exam.

Customized Orthotics vs Insoles

Over the counter "orthotic" insoles are cheap but the cost to you can be very high. It's important to understand the differences. Foot Levelers customized orthotics provide the highest-quality, most comfortable, and most effective orthotic on the market.

Over-the-counter insoles may initially cost less, but they only support one arch in your foot. When only one arch is being supported, it may not maintain the structure of your plantar vault, and problems can start in other parts of your body. In fact, “over-supporting” just one arch of the foot may actually cause pain and symptoms, not relieve them.

Do you experience pain daily? Maybe you have plantar fasciitis or struggle with low back pain? Over-the-counter insoles may not provide the relief you need. Individually designed Foot Levelers custom orthotics with 3-arch support, however, can.

Why Custom Orthotics?

Whether you’re visiting your Chiropractor for pain, preventive care or to improve your athletic performance, Foot Levelers’ custom-made functional orthotics can help. Why Foot Levelers?

  • Over 6 decades of proven performance
  • Backed by 37 clinical research studies, more than any other orthotic company in the world
  • Used by Chiropractic colleges throughout the world
  • 100,000+ doctors and millions of patients can speak to the results
  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed, period

Why custom? Generic, off-the-shelf insoles risk worsening your symptoms because they address only general conditions, and with questionable results. Your feet are as unique as your fingerprints. Only Foot Levelers custom-made orthotics are built specifically to meet your individual feet, body and health needs.

Learn More

Visit the Foot Levelers website today to learn more about why these are the only orthotics we recommend at Welcare Chiropractic.

Watch the video below for more information: